The standalone version of the Leggy Crux from the Leggy Avatar pack
The legendary Crux species, reimagined for VRChat.
- Crux
- Cute
- Curly ears & tail
- Thicc
- The Best Beans
- Avatar 3.0 Ready
- Classic Black & White version
- Multicoloured version (can be changed with slider)
- Substance painter files included for repainting
Current Version: 1.3
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Unity 2018.4.20f1, for uploading the avatars to VRChat
Latest VRChat Avatar SDK 3
Dynamic Bone
Substance Painter, for making custom textures(colours/patterns)
The assets are provided “AS IS”, without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the author be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, arising from, out of or in connection with these assets.
- You can modify, upload and use these assets for personal use.
- You can sell commissions to modify, reskin, or otherwise customize the assets for another person, as long as both parties have purchased the assets.
- You can upload cloneable versions of these avatars
- You may not share any assets, as is or modified, unless both parties have purchased the assets.
- You may not resell any assets, as is or modified.
- You may not remove the artist’s credit.
You may not use these assets for any purposes of hate, bigotry, to cause harm, to cause fear, or any politically motivated message or agenda. This includes but not limited to, modification of the assets, or using the assets in association with such purposes.
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