Are you up for the job to be a good helpful whatever-you-are? Then get this Harness to let others know!
These are fit to Kuda’s Standard bases. (Avian/Hooves/Dragons/Jex/Canines)
Comes with blendshapes to match bodyshapes to the main body, and 3 premade textures.
Included in the purchase is a Unitypackage with VRCFury prefabs, the FBX, SPP, and PSDs of the assets with a short guide on how to add them to your model.
Yes, you can grab the backstrap!
I have not tested currently if they fit with my other clothing, so I will go ahead and say they don’t currently!
I will try to have compatibility later when I have time. Thank you.
I will have the avatars shown here public in my Avatar World a bit later!